Thursday, May 6, 2010

Where have a I been?!?

You might want to know what I've been doing besides posting my progress on my blog, right? Three weeks ago I weighed in and had lost 7 more lbs. I was soooo excited by this. I also went to the store and bought a pair of size 18 pants. I haven't wore a size 18 for sooooo long! Let me tell you... this felt fabulous! So how much have I lost have that? None. I hurt my knee and have only been able to manage a short swim through the pool.

But I'm on the mend and managed several laps today so I'm going to attempt a regular workout! Wish me luck ;)

And I would like to add that I really want one of these things...

Talk to you soon,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm so glad...

I am so glad that I started this blog. Right after I did my first post, I went swimming. One of my neighbors (a super cool guy) was at the pool which is rare. It's usually just my kids and I there. Anyway, we were talking about weight loss. He lost 140 lbs or so a few years ago and looks excellent. The subject of food came up and he said he wanted to order a pizza for dinner. I looooove pizza and the thought having some started the cravings. So what does pizza and this blog have in common? Being held accountable on this blog prevented me from ordering that yummy pizza. Instead, I had fish, fruit, and some veggies!

And guess what else? I weighed in this morning and I lost 1 1/2 lbs last week. Yes, this important to me because I hadn't lost any in two weeks. This small loss keeps me going.

I've decided that my goal weight is reaching 150 lbs. I weighed just under this magical number before I had my kids. I wasn't skinny but wasn't fat either. I think this is an achievable goal. Once I reach that goal, I can always reasses the goal and decided to go smaller. Honestly? I don't see myself being under 150 lbs. I'm 5'7 so I think that's a good size for me. So I have 104 lbs to lose. A lot? Yes. Impossible? Heck no.

And I have barely any clothes that fit me now and refuse to buy a large amount in this new size since I won't be staying here for long. My prize for reaching the goal weight will be a giant shopping trip for a new wardrobe! I can't wait...

So heres to another day of a healthy lifestyle!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My first post on this blog!

The 'now' picture of me! The "before" picture take about 1 yr. ago
Hi. I have been doing my weight loss journey for about a year now. After the first six months, I had some toxic people in my life and stalled out on losing but thankfully, I maintained what I had lost. I've continued on and decided to start this blog. Why? As a way to help others since I've been talking about losing weight and the ways I've achieved what I've done so far to a lot of people lately. I'd like to help others while but at the same time be held accountable for losing more. I have a goal weight I'd like to reach and if nobody is keeping track besides me... well, I can reach that goal weight in twenty years and I'll be the only person to know. So I'm on the internet!

So how much have I lost already? Well, I claim 40 lbs but I weighed more than I would've ever admited to in the beginning. It's more like 50 or so. I'll share a 'before' and a 'now' picture that my daughter took about 2 weeks ago.

Those jeans in the 'now' picture are some that I bought about 2 years ago and didn't fit into until the day the picture was taken. I had gone through my dresser several times after buying those jeans and each time, I thought about throwing them away. I never could bring myself to actually do it. I decided to try those jeans and wow, what a feeling that was! I had to have new pics taken. So here they are.

Anyway, I'm going to post this and go for a swim. I've already done a cardio workout today along with a standup ab workout but it's hot (almost 90) and I want to swim.

Talk to you soon,